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  1. Kido, Yasuhito. (Apr 2024 - Mar 2029)「複雑述語構文獲得に関する実証的研究 (Empirical Study on the Acquisition of Complex Predicates)」The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 24K16075 (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists) [ URL ]

  2. Kido, Yasuhito. (Apr 2019 - Mar 2025)「日本語複合動詞の獲得に関する実証的研究 (Empirical Study on the Acquisition of Japanese V-V Compounds)」The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 19K13161 (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists) [ URL ]

  3. Kido, Yasuhito. (Apr 2016 - Mar 2018)「日本語複合動詞の獲得に関する実証的・理論的研究 (Empirical and Theoretical Study on the Acquisition of Japanese V-V Compounds)The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 16J02245 (Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows) [ URL ]

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Collaborative Research

  1. Otsuka, Yuko. (Apr. 2023 - Mar 2026)「母語環境及び継承語環境におけるトンガ語幼児自然発話コーパス構築. The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 23K17507 (Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research). [ URL ] (研究分担者)

  2. Snyder, William. (July 2020 - June 2023) Setting a Child's Linguistic Parameters. Research Excellent Program at the University of Connecticut. (研究協力者)

  3. Shomura (Isse), Yoko. (Apr 2020 - Mar 2025)「複合動詞パラメータの心理的実在性に関する実証的研究」. The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 20K00824 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)). [ URL ] (研究分担者)

  4. Otsuka, Yuko. (Jun 2019 - Mar 2023)「トンガ語幼児発話コーパス構築と母語獲得研究への活用及び少数言語継承への影響の考察」. The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 19K21634 (Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research). [ URL ] (研究分担者)

  5. Shomura (Isse), Yoko. (Apr 2016 - Mar 2020)「複合動詞の習得における母語の影響の解明:中国語・韓国語・英語母語話者を対象に」. The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 16K02948 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)). [ URL ] (研究協力者)

  6. Pardeshi, Prashant V. (Apr 2015 - Mar 2020) Development of and Linguistic Research with a Parsed Corpus of Japanese (統語・意味解析情報タグ付きコーパス開発用アノテーション研究:複文を中心に) The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 15H03210 (Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (B)). [ URL ], [ Webpage ] [ Webpage (in English) ] (研究協力者) 

  7. Shomura (Isse), Yoko. (Apr 2014 - Mar 2016)「第二言語習得における言語知識と自発的産出に関する実証的研究―形態素習得からの考察」 The Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS KAKENHI 24520684 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)). [ URL ] (研究協力者)

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