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Invited Lecture

CHILDESを利用したデータ分析の方法 Part 2. 長崎大学言語センター, Zoom, 2022年1月22日.

CHILDESデータベースの使い方と言語習得研究. 中央大学, Zoom, 2022年1月8日.


CHILDESを利用したデータ分析の方法 Part 1. 長崎大学言語センター, Zoom, 2021年12月22日.

Invited Talk
言語獲得データベースCHILDESを使ってみよう. 関西心理言語研究会 (KCP), Zoom, 2021年10月30日.

名詞修飾構文「ノ」の獲得. 日本英文学会関西支部第15回大会, 近畿大学, Zoom, 2020年12月20日.

Acquisition of Noun Modification Construction in Child Japanese. Prosody and Grammar Festa 4, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, February 16th, 2020.


Acquisition of Resultative Construction by Child English. Annual Meeting of Nihon Eibun Gakkai, Nara Women's University, Nara, Nara, December 8th, 2019.


Acquisition of Resultative Construction in Child English. Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, December 23rd, 2018.

Acquisition of Japanese Compound Verbs. Nanzan University, Nagoya, Aichi, September 5th, 2018. [ Link ]

The Acquisition of Complex Predicates in child English and Japanese. Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Kato, Hyogo, September 29th, 2018. [ Link ]



Poster Presentations

日本語を母語とする英語学習者における枝分かれ構造の種類による複合名詞の容認度の違いについて. Poster presented at 日本言語学会第169回大会, 北海道大学, 北海道, 2024年11月9日. (with 團迫雅彦,
日本人英語学習者における併合操作の回帰性について [On the Recursion of Merge Operation by English Learner of Japanese]. Poster presented at 第23回日本第二言語習得学会 [the 23rd Japan Second Language Association], 学習院大学, 東京, 2023年10月15日. (with 團迫雅彦, 一瀬陽子)
Adjectival Resultatives and Novel Compounds in Children's English:  Support for the Compounding Parameter. Poster presented at the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, Boston, U.S., November 7th–10th, 2019. (with Wang Shuyan and William Snyder) [ Link ]

Acquisition of English Adjectival Resultatives: Support for the Compounding Parameter. Poster presented at The 42nd GLOW conference (Generative Linguistics in the Old World), University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, May 7th–11th, 2019. (with Wang Shuyan and William Snyder) [ Link ]
The Course of Verb Acquisition in Child Japanese: Evidence from Lexical Semantics. Poster presented at The Second International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics
(ICTEAP-2), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, March 16th–17th, 2019. [ Link ]  [ poster pdf ]
The Course of V-V Compound Acquisition in Child Japanese. Poster presented at the First International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-1), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, March 10th–12th, 2017. [ Link ]  [ poster pdf ]
Oral Presentations
「っこ」の多義と同音異義 Paper presented at 2023年度神戸大学年末発表会, 2023年12月23日 (土), 神戸, 神戸大学.
3種類のkko―接辞と慣習的推意の接点― Paper presented at 第164回大会日本言語学会ワークショップ 語彙と語用のはざまで, 2022年6月18日 (土)・19日 (日)、オンライン [ Link ]

The Acquisition of English Adjectival Resultatives: Support for the Compounding Parameter. Paper presented at GALA 14, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, September 12th–14th, 2019. (with Wang Shuyan and William Snyder) [ Link ]

Overgeneralization of no in Child Japanese: Linking Marker Hypothesis (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Linguistic Society 44th Annual Conference (KLS44), Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, July 13th–14th, 2019.
Acquisition of Japanese V-V Compounds: Cue for the Phonological Property
(in Japanese). 
Paper presented at The Japanese Society for Language Sciences 21st Annual International Conference (JSLS2019), Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan, July 6th–7th, 2019.

Acquisition of Japanese V-V Compounds: Rule-based, Item-based, or Both? Paper presented at the LingLunch, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, December 5th, 2017.

Acquisition of V-V Compounds in Child Japanese: Empirical Study Using CHILDES. Paper presented at the 20th Anniversary of Language Acquisition Workshop in New England (LAWNE),  University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA, November 18th, 2017.

On the Acquisition of V-V Compounds in Child Japanese: An Empirical Study Using CHILDES. Paper presented at The Japanese Society for Language Sciences 19th Annual International Conference (JSLS2017), Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto, Japan, July 1st–2nd, 2017. [ Awards ]


On the Syntactic V-V Compound “V+tukareru” (in Japanese). Paper presented at the 154th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, June 24th–25th, 2017.


On the Relation between Japanese Lexical V-V Compounds and the Compounding Parameter (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS) 41st, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, June 10th–11th, 2017.



Note on the Difference in the Acquisition Order of Japanese Compound Verbs (in Japanese). Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Circle (FLC), Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan, December 17th, 2016.


Note on the Acquisition Order of Japanese Compound Verbs: An Empirical Study Using CHILDES (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics (KCP), InterUniversity Cooperation, Hyogo, Japan, September 25th, 2016.


Acquisition of Japanese Compound Verb and Lexical Conceptual Structure (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Lexicon Project (KLP), Osaka University, Japan, September 17th, 2016.


Acquisition of Simplex/Complex Verbs in Japanese and English. Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Forum 2016, Fukuoka University Seminar House, Japan, August 20th, 2016.



A Study on the Acquisition of Japanese Compound Verbs from the Dual Mechanism Model perspective (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Lexicon Project (KLP), Kobe University, Kyoto, Japan, October 17th, 2015.


A Note on the Course of V-V Compound Acquisition in Child Japanese (in Japanese). Paper presented at Second Workshop of Linguistic Variation and Universality investigating from Corpus, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan, September 8th, 2015. [ Link ]


A Note on the Relationship between the Compounding Parameter and Japanese Compound Verbs (in Japanese). Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Forum 2015, Fukuoka University, Japan, August 28th, 2015.



Modal Phrase Revisited: The Difference between “daroo” and “mai” in Tokyo Dialect and “mee” in Hichiku Dialect (in Japanese). Paper presented at the 149th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Ehime University, Ehime, Japan, November 15th, 2014.


Lexical Compound Verbs of Child Japanese Revisited (in Japanese). Paper presented at Kansai Lexicon Project (KLP), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, October 25th, 2014.


On L2 Acquisition of the Syntactic Compound Verbs “V + start” by Korean-speaking Learners of Japanese: With a Focus on the Influence of Native Language (in Japanese). Paper presented at the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language for Fiscal 2014, Toyama International Conference Center, Toyama, Japan, October 11th, 2014 (with Masahiko Dansako and Yoko Isse).


Lexical V-V Compounds in Child Japanese: An Experimental Study. Paper presented at the 9th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-9), Université de Nantes, Nantes, France, September 25th, 2014 (with Miwa Isobe and Reiko Okabe).


On L2 Acquisition of the Syntactic Compound Verbs by Korean-speaking Learners of Japanese (in Japanese), Paper presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Bunkyo University, Saitama, Japan, June 28th, 2014 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako).


Acquisition of Lexical Compound Verbs: An Empirical Study Using CHILDES (in Japanese). Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, June 15th, 2014.


Acquisition of Syntactic Compound Verbs: An Empirical Study Using CHILDES (in Japanese). Paper presented at the 148th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, June 7th, 2014.


A Note on the way to Distinguish between Lexical Compound Verbs and Syntactic Compound Verbs (in Japanese). Paper presented at TPL, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, April 26th, 2014.


On the Syntactic Complex Verbs in Japanese and Korean. Paper presented at the English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 7th International Spring Forum 2014, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, April 19th, 2014 (with Masahiko Dansako and Yoko Isse).


A Note on the Syntactic Compound Verbs in Korean. Paper presented at Nanakuma Linguistic Colloquium, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan, February 27th, 2014.



Syntactic Distribution of Sentence-Final Particles “bai” and “tai” in Fukuoka Dialect (in Japanese). Paper presented at the 147th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Hyogo, Japan, November 23rd, 2013.

Notes on Root Phenomena on Copulas and Peripheral Particles in Fukuoka Dialect. Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Forum 2013, Fukuoka University Seminar House, Fukuoka, Japan, August 30th, 2013. 

On the Acquisition of Japanese Syntactic Compound Verbs in Child Japanese: New Evidence against A-chain Maturation Hypothesis. Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Circle, Fukuoka University, Japan, July 20th, 2013.


A Note on Phrase Structure on Complex Predicate in Child Japanese. Paper presented at TPL, Meiji Gakuin University, Fukuoka, Japan, May 25th, 2013.



Acquisition of Syntactic Compound Verbs by Native Japanese-speaking Children (in Japanese). Paper presented at TPL, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, December 2nd, 2012.


On the Acquisition of Lexical/Syntactic Compound Verbs in Child Japanese (in Japanese). Paper presented at 4th NINJAL project meeting of Linguistic Variations within the Confines of the Language Faculty: A Study in Japanese First Language Acquisition and Parametric Syntax, Nanzan University, Japan, October 31st, 2012. (Commentator: Professor Susan Fischer) [ Link ]


A Note on the Acquisition of Japanese Compound Verbs: From the Lexical Semantics Perspective (in Japanese). Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistics Forum 2012, Fukuoka University Seminar House, Fukuoka, Japan, August 18th, 2012.



On the Differentiation of Peripheral Domain in Child Japanese (in Japanese). Paper presented at 1st NINJAL project meeting of Linguistic Variations within the Confines of the Language Faculty: A Study in Japanese First Language Acquisition and Parametric Syntax, Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan, December 23th, 2011 (with Keiko Murasugi).


Overgeneration of no in the Northern Kyushu Dialect. Paper presented at Senior Seminar, Kyushu University, Japan, March 2011.



Child Language Acquisition: Overgeneration of no in the Northern Kyushu Dialect. Paper presented at Fukuoka Linguistic Forum 2010, Fukuoka University Seminar House, Fukuoka, Japan, August 30th, 2010.

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