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(2017)  日本語複合動詞の獲得―CHILDESを使用した実証研究― [Acquisition of Japanese Compound Verbs: An Empirical Study Using CHILDES]. Kobe University, Kobe.  [ Abstract ]  [ pdf ]
  1. (2013) 日本語を母語とする幼児による複合動詞の獲得 [Acquisition of Compound Verbs by Native Japanese-Speaking Children]. M.A. thesis. Nanzan University, Nagoya. (Reprint is permitted by Nanzan University) [ pdf ]
  2. (2010) Child Language Acquisition: Overgeneration of no in the Northern Kyushu Dialect. B.A. thesis. Fukuoka University, Fukuoka. 
  1. (2021) 動画で巡るキャンパスツアー Talking About Our Campus. 東京:英宝社. (小笠原 真司/奥田 阿子/COLLINS William/廣江 顕/木戸 康人 共編) [ Link ] ISBN: 978-4-269-41041-1.

  2. (2020) 統語構造と語彙の多角的研究―岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集―. 東京:開拓社. (于一楽, 江口清子, 木戸康人, 眞野美穂) ISBN: 9784758922838 [ Link ]

  3. (2019)  接続詞と句読法 [Coordination and Punctuation]. Tokyo: Kaitakusya. (with Hideki Kishimoto, Mariko Udo, Miho Mano, and Akitoshi Maeda) [ Link ] [ Link ]

Published materials
  1. (2024) 5種類の接辞「っこ」の意味と機能 [The Meaning and Function of Japanese Affix 'kko' in Five Types]. In Hideki Kishimoto, Toshio Hidaka, and Kazuya Kudo (eds.), 『レキシコン研究の新視点-統語・誤用と語の意味の関わり-』, 東京, 開拓社. ISBN: 978-4758924061 [ Link ] [ Amazon ]

  2. (2024) 発話データベースCHILDES Browsable Databaseを用いた調査 [Investigation using CHILDES Browsable database for language acquisition]. In Kentaro Nakatani (ed.), ソコンがあればできる!ことばの実験研究の方法 第2版―容認度調査、読文・産出実験からコーパスまで―』 [A Hands-On Guide to Experimental Methods in Linguistic Research 2nd Edition]. pp. 217256. Tokyo: Hituzi syobo. ISBN-13: 978-4823411663. Link ][ Amazon ]

  3. (2023) 分担執筆 5.1 it-強調構文, 5.2 Wh-強調構文, 5.3 倒置構文, 5.4 前置構文, 5.5 後置構文. 『英文法用語大事典シリーズ 第1巻 文』, 東京, 開拓社. ISBN: 978-4758913966.

  4. (2023) 分担執筆 CHILDES, 複合動詞の獲得.『言語理論・言語獲得理論から見たキータームと名著
    68-69,86-87東京, 開拓社. ISBN: 9784758923828.

  5. (2020) On the acquisition of V-V compounds in child English and Japanese: An empirical study using CHILDES. In Yile Yu, Kiyoko Eguchi, Yasuhito Kido, and Miho Mano (eds.),統語構造と語彙の多角的研究―岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集, 195211, Tokyo: Kaitakusya. ISBN: 9784758922838.

  6. (2020) 日本語を母語とする幼児による「ノ」の過剰一般化―修正属格仮説― [Overgeneralization of no by Japanese-speaking child]. In Prashant Pardesi and Kaoru Horie (eds.),『日本語と世界の言語の名詞修飾表現』 [Noun modifying expression in Japanese and world languages], 5776, Tokyo: Hituzi syobo. ISBN: 978-4-8234-1036-9. [ Amazon ]

  7. (2019) 発話データベースCHILDESを用いた調査 [Investigation using CHILDES database for language acquisition]. In Kentaro Nakatani (ed.), ソコンがあればできる!ことばの実験研究の方法―容認度調査、読文・産出実験からコーパスまで―』 [A Hands-On Guide to Experimental Methods in Linguistic Research]. pp. 195231. Tokyo: Hituzi syobo. ISBN-13: 978-4894769649. Link ][ Amazon ]

  8. (2018) 韓国語母語話者日本語学習者及び中国語母語話者日本語学習者における統語的複合動詞の習得[On L2 acquisition of syntactic compound verbs by Korean-speaking and Mandarin Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese]. In Nobuaki Nishioka, Minoru Fukuda, Kenji Matsuse, Nobuo Nagaya, Takafumi Ogata, and Mikio Hashimoto (eds.), 『ことばを編む』 [Kotoba o Amu], 62–72. Tokyo: Kaitakusya (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako). ISBN-13: 978-4758922555 [ Link ] [ Table of Contents ]

  9. (2016)  コーパスを利用した日本語の ar 自動詞の形態統語論的分析 [Morphosyntactic analysis on Japanese ar intransitive using corpus]. In Yoshiki Ogawa, Akiko Nagano, and Akira Kikuchi (eds.),
    『コーパスからわかる言語変化・変異と言語理論』 [
    Koopasu-kara Wakaru Gengohenka Hen’i to Gengo Riron], 266–282. Tokyo: Kaitakusha (with Fumikazu Niinuma). ISBN-13: 978-4758922326 [ Link ]

表紙 レキシコン研究の新視点.png
  1. (2024) Parallelisms between Verb–Particle Constructions in English and Verb–Verb Compounds in Japanese: Evidence from Acquisition Research, Languages 9(8), 280; [ pdf ]

  2. (2023CHILDESの展望と統語的複合動詞の獲得 [Future Outlook of CHILDES and Acquisition of Syntactic  Verb-Verb Compounds in Child Japanese] , Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 21(2), 1–14, doi: 10.34609/sls.21.2_1 [ pdf ]

  3. (2022) 日本語複合動詞の獲得—幼児語の特徴を手掛かりにして— [Acquisition of Japanese V–V Compounds in Child Japanese: A Cue for Properties of Baby Talk] , Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 20(2), 4367, doi: 10.34609/sls.20.2_43 [ pdf ]
  4. (2022) Acquisition of English adjectival resultatives: Support for the Compounding Paramter.  Language Acquisition 29(3), 229-259, doi: (with Shuyan Wang, William Snyder). [ Link ]
  5. (2022) 肥筑方言におけるノ格主語の主語移動 [Raising of No-Marked Subjects in the Hichiku Dialect of Japanese]『言語研究』[Gengo Kenkyu], 第161号, 3561, doi: 10.11435/gengo.161.0_35 (with Kazushige Moriyama and Hideki Kishimoto). [ pdf ]

  6. (2020) Spontaneous Production of Adjectival Resultatives and N-N Compounds in Child English.  Proceedings of the 44th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 44), 717723 (with Shuyan Wang, William Snyder). [ pdf ]


  7. (2019) 日本人英語学習者による結果構文の習得―複合パラメータとの関係性を手掛かりに― [L2 Acquisition by Japanese Learners: Que for the relationship of Compounding Parameter]. 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要 外国語編 [Kindai University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education journal. Foreign language edition], 第10号第1巻, 23–44 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako). [ pdf ]

  8. (2019) クラウドソーシングを利用した第二言語習得研究 [Second Language Acquisition Using Crowdsourcing]. 比較文化研究 [Studies in Comparative Culture] 134, 23–34 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako).

  9. (2019)  日本語複合動詞の獲得―音韻論的特性を手掛かりにして― [Acquisition of Japanese V-V Compounds: Cue for the Phonological Property]. Paper presented at The Japanese Society for Language Sciences 21st Annual International Conference (JSLS2019), 4346.


  10. (2018) 日本語学習者の中間言語―韓国人日本語学習者による統語的複合動詞の習得の観点から― [Interlanguage of Japanese learners: From the perspective of L2 acquisition of Japanese syntactic compound verbs by Korean speaking learners of Japanese]. 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要 外国語編 [Kindai University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education journal. Foreign language edition], 9(2), 117–141 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako). [ pdf ]

  11. (2018) 第二言語習得研究におけるクラウドソーシング利用の可能性についての考察 [A study on using crowdsourcing in second language acquisition research]. 比較文化研究 [Studies in Comparative Culture] 132, 1–11 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako).

  12. (2018) On the relation between lexical V-V compounds and the compounding parameter. KLS 38, 73–84. (Reprint is permitted by Kansai Linguistic Society) [ pdf ]

  13. (2018) Lexical V-V compounds in child Japanese: An experimental study. Journal of Japanese Linguistics (JJL) 34(1), 3–21 (with Miwa Isobe and Reiko Okabe). [ Link ]

  14. (2018) 統語的複合動詞 “V+疲れるについて [On the syntactic V-V compound “V+tukareru”]. 神戸言語学論叢 [Kobe Papers in Linguistics] 11, 1430. [ pdf ]


  15. (2017) On the syntactic structure of bai and tai in Hichiku dialect. Kyushu University Papers in Linguistics (KUPL) 35, 173–196. [Nihongo gaku ronsetu siryo 52(4), 424–435.] [ pdf of Table of Contents]] [ pdf ]


  16. (2017)  On the acquisition of V-V compounds in child Japanese: An empirical study using CHILDES.  JSLS 2017 Conference Handbook, 58-61. Japanese Society for Language Sciences 19th Annual International Conference (JSLS2017). [ pdf ]  [ Awards ]
  17. (2017)  統語的複合動詞 “V+疲れるについて [On the syntactic V-V compound “V+tukareru”]. Proceedings of the 154th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan. The Linguistic Society of Japan. (Reprint is permitted by LSJ) [ pdf ] Please see Kido's (2018) paper in Kobe Papers in Linguistics 11.


  18. (2016)  日本語複合動詞の獲得―二重メカニズムモデルの観点から― [The acquisition of V-V compounds in child Japanese: From the Dual Mechanism Model perspective]. Kobe Papers in Linguistics 10, 1–23. [ pdf ] [ Link ]


  19. (2015)  韓国語母語話者による統語的複合動詞「V始める」の習得について [On L2 acquisition of the syntactic compound verb “V + start” by Korean-speaking learners of Japanese]. 福岡大学 言語教育研究センター紀要 [FULERC: Annual Review of Language Learning and Teaching] 14, 11–25 (with Masahiko Dansako and Yoko Isse).

  20. (2015)  On syntactic complex verbs in Japanese and Korean. JELS 32, 262–268 (with Masahiko Dansako and Yoko Isse). (Reprint is permitted by ELSJ) [ pdf ]

  21. (2015)  On L2 acquisition of syntactic compound verbs by Korean-speaking learners of Japanese (in Japanese). Fukuoka University Review of Literature & Humanities 47(2), 453–475 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako. [ pdf ]

  22. (2015)  On the Syntactic Structure of Bai and Tai in Hichiku Dialect. Kyushu University Papers in Linguistics (KUPL) 35, 173–196.  [ pdf ]

  23. (2015)  Acquisition of lexical compound verbs: An empirical study using CHILDES (in Japanese). KLS 35, 61–72. (Reprint is permitted by Kansai Linguistic Society) [ pdf ]


  24. (2014)  Modal Phrase revisited: The difference between “daroo” and “mai” in Tokyo dialect and “mee” in Hichiku dialect (in Japanese). Proceedings of the 149th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 326–331. The Linguistic Society of Japan. (Reprint is permitted by LSJ) [ pdf

  25. (2014)  On L2 acquisition of the syntactic compound verbs “V + start” by Korean-speaking learners of Japanese: With a focus on the influence of native language (in Japanese). Proceedings of the society for teaching Japanese as a foreign language for fiscal 2014, 117–122. The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (with Masahiko Dansako and Yoko Isse).

  26. (2014)  On L2 acquisition of syntactic compound verbs by Korean-speaking learners of Japanese (in Japanese). Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2014), 79–82 (with Yoko Isse and Masahiko Dansako).

  27. (2014)  Acquisition of syntactic compound verbs: An empirical study using CHILDES (in Japanese). Proceedings of the 148th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 176–181. The Linguistic Society of Japan. (Reprint is permitted by LSJ) [ pdf ]


  28. (2013)  Syntactic distribution of “bai” and “tai” in Fukuoka Dialect (in Japanese). Proceedings of the 147th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 254–259. The Linguistic Society of Japan.
    (Reprint is permitted by LSJ) [ pdf ]


  29. (2013)  Acquisition of compound verbs by native Japanese-speaking children (in Japanese). Nanzan Studies in Language Science 8, 119–138. (Reprint is permitted by Nanzan University) [ pdf ]
    [ See Bibliography on Verb ‒Verb Compound Verbs in Japanese ]


  30. (2012) On the function of sentence-ending markers in child Japanese (in Japanese). Journal of Nanzan Academic Society: Literature and Language 92, 1–42 (with Keiko Murasugi).

  31. (2012) The meaningfulness of quantitative and statistical analysis in language acquisition study (in Japanese). ms. Aichi, Nanzan University. [ pdf ] 

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